
I have a love/hate relationship with gut feelings. When they come over me, they are so hard to ignore. I feel pulled to embrace them and yet struggle with other factors that play into my perspective. Recently I learned that my friend Jen, from  Born Just Right, was getting ready to transition, from dying her […]


If you watched the Oscars last night, hopefully you got to hear The Imitation Game screenwriter Graham Moore’s moving acceptance speech. I love this excerpt from an Entertainment Weekly (EW) article about Moore and his speech today: Backstage, Moore addressed what it was like for him to be so personal in front of a global audience. “The […]


How is your day going? Mine is going well. I taught Yoga Sculpt this morning and then headed home to shower, eat lunch, and get some things done around the house before picking up our daughter from a play date. However, there are many days that don’t start off like this. You know what I mean. […]


The 9th Annual Creme de la Creme list is open for submissions. Three years ago, when I started looking through my posts to pick one to submit for the 2011 Creme, I struggled to decide which to choose as my favorite. I was very motivated and inspired to write that year, so I felt that I had […]

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I can still smell the soap on my hands as I type this. It’s one of many triggers I experience every time I go there. But it’s worth it. The soap in the dispensers everywhere at Christ Medical Center smells the same. Whether you are visiting a patient, you are the patient, you just had […]


Earlier this week one of my friends tagged me in a post on Facebook. In the post she shared a video of dumping a bucket of water over her head in the name of raising awareness for ALS. She then challenged me, along with two others, to do the same within 24 hours or make […]