
Today I turned 45. Since entering my forties in 2015, I’d hoped, as well as worked to try to make it possible, for someone else to be #45 (making her our first female President), when I turned 45. What has transpired since that didn’t come to pass has been surreal and heartbreaking for me and […]

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Thursday, 3-14-96 9:13 PM London 3:13 PM E-Town I just got some happy/sad news… I talked to Ron Weasley & he got a “real” job! I am very happy for him, but I am sad that he will not be able to therefore return to camp this summer… I cherish our friendship and was looking […]


Tuesday, 3-4-96 11:39 PM London 5:39 PM E-Town GREAT MAIL DAY! I got 4 birthday cards! ☺︎ One from Meg, one from Gramma Dee & Grampa Jack, one from Cheryl, and one from Hillary Hunt (pictured below)! All special in their own way… and meant so much! ☺︎ I also got a ton of e-mails! […]


Sunday, 3-3-96 5:00 PM Somewhere in the UK 11:00 AM E-Town I walked through a waterfall today! Very cool! ☺︎ I was “Gorge Walking” for my last activity on our ISA/Butler Adventure Weekend in Wales… What an awesome experience! We had to gear up in wet suits, coats, pants, boots, life jackets, & helmets — […]


How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the fifteenth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. It’s been about 5 months since we last did some Gatekeeping here. Yesterday I learned that an old/hometown friend lost her battle […]


I started over with Book 1 in early November 2018, after not getting past Book 3 in early 2012, when Sean read all 7. Abby had started reading them a bit before then and was already on Book 3. I caught up quickly and we’ve tried to keep pace with each other ever since, though […]

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