
Saturday, 2-17-96 9:20 AM London 3:20 AM E-Town Well, as often recently, it has been a few days since I have written in here… So backtracking… Tues. afternoon I had British Society class. Nothing too exciting, Matthew Broderick babbled on as usual & at one pt., mid-lecture, busted out with “Life is not a bowl […]


Tuesday, 2-13-96 12:43 PM London 6:43 AM E-Town This morning I got 4 letters! I got a long form letter from Dynamite & a valentine from her as well! Her letters continue to be entertaining… I got a sweet valentine from Meg & then a hilarious one from Ron from Southampton & camp this summer! […]


Saturday, 2-10-96 5:50 PM London 11:50 AM E-Town God gave us the ability to feel… Oh, the varieties of feelings & emotions I have had the past few days! Thursday I went to St. Paul’s Cathedral w/ my architecture class! (Where Prince Charles & Princess Di were married…) We have been studying Christopher Wren & […]


Wednesday, 1-31-96 11:08 PM London 5:08 PM E-Town Well, after almost a month here in London, I feel pretty nearly where I belong… I was gonna say “pretty nearly perfectly happy,” to quote Anne of Green Gables… but what is perfect?! Well, I went to the Canoe Polo trials & decided not to try out […]


Saturday, 1-20-96 3:34 PM London 9:34 AM Evanston ★ Dad’s 55th Birthday! ☺︎ Wow! It’s been 4 days since I wrote in here… Though it doesn’t seem that long. The past 5 nights, & much of my days, I spent hanging out w/ my Pembridge buddies Adam & Paul. They are great guys & becoming […]


You’re fifteen for a moment, caught in between ten and twenty… You probably don’t know this song reference, but we’ll remedy that today. 15. Years. Old. Say what? When did that happen?! I remember this toddler, who loved all things trains, said “Choo-Choo!” often, and would drop everything when he heard the sound of “ding-dings” going down, […]