
This past season on Grey’s Anatomy there was a storyline about a baby, who was born premature, dying. The baby’s mother had the opportunity to hold her son, watch him and wait for him to take his last breath. As Bob and I watched that scene together I got choked up thinking about and remembering […]


Some of you may recall a post that I wrote around this time last year called Grace and the Odds. I had watched Grey’s Anatomy and been really moved by some of the dialogue in that night’s episode between two of the main characters on the show. Well last night I found myself once again […]


I love quotes. I collect them. They inspire me. I especially enjoy when I find them when I am least expecting it, like while watching one of my favorite television shows. Tonight I was watching Grey’s Anatomy. For those who may not be familiar with “Grey’s,” the medical drama takes place at the fictitious Seattle […]