
Thursday, 1-4-96 12:26 AM London 6:26 PM E-Town (1-3-96) Another LONG day… But I am beginning to adjust more easily and feel more confident about my decision to study here… I got up this morning at 7:30 AM. I felt a bit more sane after catching up on some sleep! Lori got up then too. […]


Before I blogged, I was an avid, albeit inconsistent, journaler. I started young, the oldest one I can find I bought from a Scholastic Book Fair in early elementary school. I continued off and on through grade school, college, grad school and young adulthood, until I began writing and sharing here, on my blog, in […]


For the longest time I didn’t understand what people meant, when they said that God would speak to them. I thought they literally heard a voice saying what direction to take in life, when they were struggling with an important decision or situation. In the spring of 1996 (my junior year of college), while traveling […]


“Elephants never forget…” That’s what his dad said, after giving me a cute stuffed animal elephant (not the one pictured here), that he and his wife/my old friend’s mom found for me while boot (a.k.a. garage/rummage) sale shopping the previous weekend. I’d told them when we first met about how I’d been collecting elephants, mostly […]


I returned to therapy, after a few years off, in 2011. I was struggling with some difficult relationships in my life, as well as trying to make peace with the deaths of two loved ones, while also weighing the pros and cons of a big decision for our family. Those were the objectives I laid […]


Sometime over the past week, after our Molly-girl’s birthday had come and gone, I realized that for the first time, in 10 years, I forgot to post my letter to her on our BabyBenson2008 CarePage after sharing it here on my blog. I felt sad about that, as we received so much support on our […]