
I started writing this post sometime last Fall and then, as it often does, time got away from me. I decided to come back and finish it this week when I realized that our house has been on the market now for over 5 months. These recent months have been a roller coaster ride getting […]


Recently Abby and I were driving to pick up Sean from one of his after school programs when “100 Years” by Five for Fighting came on the radio. I have really liked that song ever since I first heard it years ago and found myself connecting again with the various ages in the verses as […]


Remembering GG

by Kathy on February 26, 2011 · 6 comments

in Abby, Birthdays, Bob, Family, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Sean

Today is Bob’s maternal grandma/our children’s “GG’s” 90th birthday. This time last February we were celebrating with her at Bob’s parents’ home, as she was still with us. I even mentioned our plans in this post on her birthday last year. I recall discussing that day having a big party in honor of her 90th […]


I have been reading a lot of books lately. I have always read a good amount, but my focus has usually been on shorter things such as magazine articles, newspaper stories and blog posts. This may be because I have a relatively short attention span. And by “reading books” I mean not just starting them […]


Not long before I started this blog four years ago, I joined a “cycle buddy” group in the IVF Connections (IVFC) discussion forums. We were a group of women most of whom (if not all) were trying IVF for the first time. Some of us were struggling with secondary infertility and already had living children […]


Six years ago today I took a home pregnancy test (HPT). Sean was about the same age that Abby is now (13 months old) and my period was a few days late. We had started “trying” to have another child that summer when Sean was about 9 months old. My period had returned in May […]