This past weekend was filled with perfect moments including some very special “firsts” for me, my family and some of our neighborhood friends. As I shared about briefly in my last post, on Saturday I got to help out with the First Communion Mass at our parish for the first time as a catechist, after […]
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I won’t be sleeping in tomorrow and my family won’t be serving me breakfast in bed. But this isn’t because Bob and the kids aren’t thoughtful and wouldn’t do just about anything for me on the second Sunday in May every year. The reason is that I will be waking up early, along with about […]
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I wrote this blog entry over the weekend and had scheduled it to go up early this morning. However, late last night, when I heard the news, it didn’t feel right to me to post it first thing today. I wanted and I needed time to digest it all. In doing so I ended up […]
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by Kathy on May 1, 2011 · 3 comments
in Abby, Bob, Family, Healing, Holidays, Hope, Inspiration, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Sean
To all those who have lost a baby, at any stage of life and development (including miscarriage, stillbirth and infant death), my thoughts and prayers go out to you, especially on this International Babylost Mothers Day. According to Carly Dudley, founder of International Babylost Mothers Day (IBMD) and Names in the Sand: IBMD recognizes babylost women all over […]
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by Kathy on April 26, 2011 · 8 comments
in Abby, ALI Community, Background, Bob, Family, Fear, Healing, Hope, Infertility, Loss, Molly, NIAW, Pain, Quotes, Secondary Infertility, The Future
It’s National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) April 24 – 30 and today I am participating in the “Bust an Infertility Myth Blog Challenge.” I have chosen to “Bust a Myth” about Secondary Infertility, which my family and I dealt with for over five years. There is one secondary infertility myth listed on Resolve’s list of […]
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by Kathy on April 25, 2011 · 6 comments
in Abby, ALI Community, Bob, Change, Family, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, Loss, Perfect Moments, Sean, Time
Good morning! After reading and commenting on most of last week’s Perfect Moment Monday blog entries, I was struck by how a number of them seemed to have a common theme. It was a theme that Perfect Moment Monday founder/facilitator Lori at Write Mind Open Heart blogged about and so aptly used to title her post, “The Promised […]
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