
I haven’t had this much trouble sleeping at night in a long time. Then again it has been awhile since my family and my life has felt this upside down. Of course this time around our discombobulation is mostly for good reason — we are just days away from moving into our new house! This […]


I started writing this blog entry this morning, before a short and very strong wind and rain storm blew through Chicago. Within about 10 minutes the crazy weather was over and we had lost power. As it turned out our electricity would not be restored for another 9 hours!  To say that it was a challenging […]


Two weeks from today, if all goes well (dare I say, “as planned”), we will be closing on our current house and our new home, followed soon after by beginning the process of moving. Since we returned from our wonderful vacation with my side of our family to Hilton Head Island, SC (which I plan […]


Awhile back, here on my blog, I use to add what I called “Sean Stories” to some of my posts when he did or said something that I thought was especially cute or amusing.  Now that Abby is part of our family, I want to do the same thing from time to time and include […]


After 8 months on the market, approximately 30 showings, 5 open houses and an almost 15% reduction from our original asking price… “Under contract” are two of the most beautiful words I have heard in a long time. Well, at least since almost 3 weeks ago when our realtor called to say “you have an offer!” It’s true! […]


Yesterday morning towards the end of church the priest saying mass asked the fathers who were there to stand to receive a special Father’s Day Blessing. He asked that the rest of us extend our hands to join him in praying for the fathers in our parish community and those who were with as visitors. […]