Sean’s 8th birthday is approaching and we have started planning his “friend party,” which we plan to have at our new home. We will also hold a separate combined “family party” to celebrate Sean’s 8th and Abby’s 2nd birthdays, since they are only two weeks a part. In past years Sean has invited friends from […]
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Here is the recent photo I promised you, at the end this post, of my sister Meg, brother-in-law Bill and their daughter Cora at the racetrack last Sunday! Aren’t they an adorable family?! As many of you may recall from my sharing about my sister and brother-in-law over the years here (with their permission and blessing), they began building […]
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When I woke up on Sunday morning I had no idea that it would turn into one of the worst days of my Information Technology (IT) life in recent memory… It started with realizing that our avast! Internet Security software on our desktop computer was not functioning properly and was followed soon after by the discovery that […]
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by Kathy on July 23, 2011 · 6 comments
in Abby, Background, Bob, Change, Family, Inspiration, Love, Memories, Our Home, Quotes, Sean, The Future, Transitions
“Like my mama says, ‘endings are important,’ she always told me that, and I just really feel like we are ending really strong with this.” ~ Jeremy Piven (who plays Agent Ari Gold) on A Final Farewell to Entourage which aired on HBO this weekend Tomorrow night the eighth and last season of one of Bob […]
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Tonight after dinner Sean, Abby and I went for a walk around our block. It is a walk that we have done many times over the years, whether we were delivering block party invites, thank you notes or just visiting with our neighbors. We have been so busy lately preparing for our move, that we […]
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Sean and Abby posing for a photo last week. I am taking a short break from packing (only two more days until our big move) to share a recent Sibling Snippet. One night last week during dinner, which happened to be one of Sean’s favorites (Spaghetti with Italian Sausage), out of nowhere Sean says to […]
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