
One of my cousins, who is a psychologist, recently sent me an email with the link to an ABC News article that she had received from the American Psychological Association (APA). The article was about a study that was done looking at the increased health risks to parents who have survived the death of one or more of […]


Slow Love by Dominique Browning is my third BlogHer Book Club read and my least favorite so far.  It is the first book club selection that I chose to read that I thought was just okay. There were some good insights and tidbits to chew on, but as another reviewer @yesnofilms commented on Twitter and I […]


Today the kids and I did something that I have been wanting to do for awhile, but had not found the time to fit into our busy schedule over the past six months, especially in light of our recent move. This morning after I taught my “Yoga Sculpt” class at the neighborhood church where I […]


Over the past year Sean has been introducing Abby to one of his favorite movie series — Toy Story. In recent weeks Abby has really gotten into playing with her big brother and his Toy Story themed toys, especially Buzz Lightyear, Woody and her personal favorite, Jessie! This week the kids and I started talking […]


They’re Here!!!

by Kathy on August 26, 2011 · 3 comments

in Birthdays, Family, Hope, Infertility, Inspiration, Love

I am typing this through my tears of joy… Though I got “the news” that my friend Carolyn and her husband Sean’s new baby girls were born healthy earlier this month via text, not long after their birth, I have been looking forward to the day when I would be able to celebrate with them publicly. I […]


When I first heard that my friend Lori, from Write Mind Open Heart, was going to be “live tweeting” the funeral of the husband of fellow blogger Melissa, from Full Circle, I had mixed feelings. Though I knew that Lori had gotten Melissa’s permission and blessing to do so, my initial reaction was cynical and I questioned if […]