Welcome to the third Friday check-in for the Winter Shed! Here is the back story about this support group/blog hop for those trying to be accountable for the positive changes we intend to make in our lives in 2013. Whether you are trying to shed weight, find more balance or let go of something else that is dragging […]
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Welcome to the second Friday check-in for the Winter Shed! Here is the back story about this support group/blog hop for those trying to be accountable for the positive changes we intend to make in our lives in 2013. Whether you are trying to shed weight, find more balance or let go of something else that is dragging […]
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by Kathy on January 11, 2013 · 9 comments
in Abby, Balance, Blog Hops, Bob, Change, Exercise, Expectations, Faith, Family, Food, Life, Loss, Optimism, Organization, Our Home, Resolutions, Sean, Winter Shed, Writing
Welcome to the first Friday check-in for the Winter Shed! Here is the back story about this support group/blog hop for those trying to be accountable for the positive changes we intend to make in our lives in 2013. Whether you are trying to shed weight, find more balance or let go of something else that is dragging […]
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Let’s do the Time Warp again! Welcome to the twenty-seventh installment of my blog hop/writing exercise called Time Warp Tuesday! For those not familiar with Time Warp Tuesdays, which I host on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, here is the background of how and why I came up with the idea. If you are […]
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by Kathy on December 31, 2012 · 10 comments
in Balance, Family, Friends, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Memories, Resolutions, The Future, The Past, Therapy, Time, Writing
Last year I participated in a year-end blog meme, Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. As luck would have it, I even got to meet the woman/fellow blogger (from Ups and Downs of a Yoga Mom), who introduced me to the meme […]
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