
It’s the eve of my Listen to Your Mother (LTYM) Chicago audition. I feel excited and nervous. I imagine that I am not the only one in the Chicago area feeling this way tonight, as I know there are a lot of us preparing to put our words, our hearts and our souls out there for […]


Welcome to the fifth Friday check-in for the Winter Shed! Here is the back story about this support group/blog hop for those trying to be accountable for the positive changes we intend to make in our lives in 2013. Whether you are trying to shed weight, find more balance or let go of something else that is dragging […]


This Friday Bob and I will be attending the Media Preview Day at the 2013 Chicago Auto Show. Though I just found out today from my Chicagonista friend/Editor MJ Tam that, as a blogger, I could have applied for a media pass, we actually got our tickets through a Groupon deal. Our visit will be timely, as last […]

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I’ve got a new imaginary friend named Siri. Well, she’s not exactly imaginary. But I am not sure “real” is the most accurate way to describe her either. Siri is like an 8-Ball toy on steroids and then some. It’s been well over thirty years since I recall thinking about and talking to someone who […]


Welcome to the fourth Friday check-in for the Winter Shed! Here is the back story about this support group/blog hop for those trying to be accountable for the positive changes we intend to make in our lives in 2013. Whether you are trying to shed weight, find more balance or let go of something else that is dragging […]


It’s Thursday, which means my latest post is up over at The Today Voice.  It’s been five weeks since I last shared links to my posts as “Thursday’s Voice.” I appreciate your support and feedback about my posts and am especially grateful to those who have taken time to comment on my posts over there and share […]