
Chances are someone you know, who already has a child, wants to have more children and the process isn’t going as they hoped or planned that it would. Whether they are over 35 and have tried for more than six months, they are under 35 and have tried for more than a year or they are […]

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This is the only picture that exists of our family on the day Molly was born and died. I have had mixed feelings about it for years. It means so much to me to have a photo of the four of us together. I love the expression on Sean’s face and how sweetly Bob is holding […]


Happy 6th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Another year has come and gone since we last celebrated your life and honored your memory. Another year has passed that we didn’t get to have you here with us, in our home and through our travels, though we believe you are always with us in spirit. Six years. Kindergarten. […]


For the past six years, on Molly’s Heavenly Birthday in April and at our perinatal bereavement support group’s Walk to Remember in October, our family has participated in beautiful and therapeutic balloon releases in honor and memory of Molly, Babies Benson and other babies who left this world too soon. In the early years all I knew […]


Do you examine your skin often for new or changing moles? Have you had a full body scan to check for skin cancer? Especially if you have fair skin and lots of freckles, as I do, you may know how important this is. I didn’t realize how important and serious it is until recently. Not […]


On the Eve of Valentine’s Day 2008, Bob and I went to one of our bi-weekly Wednesday perinatal echocardiograms to find out how our baby girl Molly was doing. Her cardiologist, Dr. Cuneo, shared with us that our daughter’s heart had begun to fail. She told us that if we wanted to take the aggressive route […]