
I came across this quote today from Laura Kelly Fanucci, a fellow bereaved mom, via a friend/dad who is grieving and remembering (after the recent death of his baby) on this, October 15th, National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. These words struck and ring true for me, almost 14 years since we experienced our first of […]


Wednesday, 1-10-96 12:45 AM London 6:45 PM E-Town (1-9-96) Just talked to Mom, Dad, & Meg! It was great to hear their voices… So comforting. ❤︎ ☺︎ Dad’s (knee replacement) surgery went well, all things considered… But he is now in a great deal of pain from the healing he must go through, to fix […]


You’re fifteen for a moment, caught in between ten and twenty… You probably don’t know this song reference, but we’ll remedy that today. 15. Years. Old. Say what? When did that happen?! I remember this toddler, who loved all things trains, said “Choo-Choo!” often, and would drop everything when he heard the sound of “ding-dings” going down, […]


I was angry, really angry. And sad. It had been a long and exhausting day. As a WAHM/SAHM, I was able to watch much of the coverage on TV, and thus had been engrossed with what was happening all day. It was triggering for me, as it was for so many women. Me too. I’d […]


Sunday, 1-7-96 12:16 AM Broughton/Chester, Wales 6:16 PM E-Town (1-6-96) I am a bit homesick right now. Mostly because I am tired… I also have been drinking & the two don’t mix well. Dad would be glad to know I didn’t drink too much, knowing I wasn’t in the mood or up to it tonight. […]


Dear Abigail Grace, What to say to you… It’s September 17th again! Your 9th Birthday! How exciting is that?! You’ve been asking for days what time you could wake up this morning, since you wanted to get the celebration going as early as possible… In part because you wanted to be sure there would be […]