
This week I have immersed myself in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s new book What Happened, about her experience with the 2016 Presidential Primary and Election, including why she didn’t win the electoral college and lots of inside scoop on what it was like behind the scenes of her campaign. I’ve struggled with what happened every day […]


12 1/2 years between these two pictures… ⌛️ Sean was almost 6 months old and I had just turned 29. ? In some ways it seems like so long ago and yet I can also remember a lot about what 29 year old me felt like. ♥️ I was adjusting to life as a new […]


My surgery on Monday went well/as planned. During my recovery I have felt sore and tired, as expected. I have slept a lot and followed other recommendations from my doctor, including wearing a supportive sports bra, using a pillow to cushion my breast, and early on I used an ice pack and took medication for […]


On Saturday I got to hear twelve stories that I hadn’t known before. Each story was unique and from the perspective of a mother, a child, or both. And I got to share some of my story. The lucky thirteen of us make up the cast of the 2016 Listen to Your Mother Chicago show. Over […]

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At 41, I am getting better with acceptance. Much of the time I am able to appreciate things and people for what and who they are, as opposed to my expectations for them. Today is the first rehearsal with my fellow Listen To Your Mother (LTYM) 2016 Chicago cast. It is still surreal to me […]


Today is my eleventh Leap Day, which happens to be my lucky number. On my tenth, in 2012, I took a Leap of Faith, I changed the name of my blog, from Four of a Kind to Bereaved and Blessed, and moved it from Blogger to Self-Hosted WordPress, with this/my own URL. We had lived […]