by Kathy on January 26, 2016 · 2 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, breast care, Cancer, Coping, Courage, Cysts, Decisions, Gratitude, Healing, Hope, Life, MRI, Planning, Reality, Time
The past week has been filled with researching my diagnosis, scheduling appointments, and touching base with medical staff, as well as our new insurance company. Because of course the year we are dealing with my first breast care scare, we have a brand new insurance plan and company. This Friday morning I will have a […]
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by Kathy on December 16, 2015 · 2 comments
in Background, Bereavement, Blessed, Coping, Courage, Decisions, Faith, Family, Gratitude, Hope, Infertility, Inspiration, IUI, IVF, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Miscarriage, Parenting, Pregnancy Loss, Reality, Relationships, Secondary Infertility, Time, Writing
Six pregnancies. Two living children. One neonatal death. One interstitial ectopic pregnancy. Two miscarriages. Two failed IVF cycles. One failed IVF converted to IUI. It’s surreal for me to reflect on those years. I am grateful for all that we have. I am thankful for what we’ve learned on our journey to build our family. […]
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Yesterday I was determined to “catch up” on putting away my laundry (i.e. attack the pile of clean clothes that had accumulated on the floor on my side of our bedroom). I was off to a good start and had gotten about 2/3 of it in their places when I noticed 2 things: #1 – […]
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by Kathy on June 11, 2015 · 1 comment
in Accountability, Anticipation, Background, Change, Communication, Coping, Courage, Decisions, Expectations, Faith, Family, Friends, Game Changers, Grief, Hope, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Mistakes, Podcasts, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Serial, Social Media, The Future, The Past, Time, Undisclosed, Waiting
Where were you on Wednesday, January 13, 1999? Seriously. Do you remember? Anything? I was in grad school at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign, getting my masters in Leisure Studies (for real, that is something one can major and get multiple degrees in). I am pretty sure I was back from winter break, […]
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by Kathy on March 10, 2015 · 7 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, Background, Change, Decisions, Game Changers, Inspiration, Life, Social Media, Transitions
I have a love/hate relationship with gut feelings. When they come over me, they are so hard to ignore. I feel pulled to embrace them and yet struggle with other factors that play into my perspective. Recently I learned that my friend Jen, from Born Just Right, was getting ready to transition, from dying her […]
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by Kathy on February 12, 2015 · 0 comments
in C-Section, Coping, Decisions, Family, Grace, Grey's Anatomy, Grief, Life, Loss, Love, Molly, Perinatal Hospice, Reality, Sensativity, TV Shows
We started watching Grey’s Anatomy not long after I came home from the hospital in April 2008. It was already four seasons in and somehow we’d never seen a single episode. My parents had a few of the seasons on DVD and we borrowed them. It was one of the first TV shows Bob and I ever […]
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