
Tuesday, 1-9-96 12:49 AM London 6:49 PM E-Town (1-8-96) First class at Birckbeck today: International Business! The Prof. (or “tutor”) is a great guy named Paul Cooper, who Michelle Cook had told me about. The class seems interesting! Had to get into groups already for a project, which led to my having a moral dilemma… […]


“Elephants never forget…” That’s what his dad said, after giving me a cute stuffed animal elephant (not the one pictured here), that he and his wife/my old friend’s mom found for me while boot (a.k.a. garage/rummage) sale shopping the previous weekend. I’d told them when we first met about how I’d been collecting elephants, mostly […]


My friend recommended this book, Little Disasters by Randall Klein, and I knew she wouldn’t steer me wrong. I listened via Audible and was captivated by the way the story was told, jumping back and forth between different time periods, slowly revealing how these two couples’ relationships became intertwined. I appreciate how the author allowed us to […]

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My anxiety has been higher lately, than it has been in a while. I’ve determined it would help me to simplify some of my daily routines. I am letting go of some things that may’ve once served me, but now seem to take up more time than they are worth. That letting go includes creating […]


This week I have immersed myself in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s new book What Happened, about her experience with the 2016 Presidential Primary and Election, including why she didn’t win the electoral college and lots of inside scoop on what it was like behind the scenes of her campaign. I’ve struggled with what happened every day […]


Today I will start with 1/3 of the dose I had been taking. I began stepping down off of my medication for anxiety last week. Week 1, during which I took 2/3 of the dose, went well. I am hyper aware of my emotions, trying to see if I notice significant differences or side effects. […]