
I was on Twitter recently and read that Suicide Prevention Week is September 4 – 10 (#suicidepreventionweek). I didn’t realize there was such a thing, but I am glad to know that now. I have had the idea for this post for over a year now, so finding out the significance of this week was the […]


Today the kids and I did something that I have been wanting to do for awhile, but had not found the time to fit into our busy schedule over the past six months, especially in light of our recent move. This morning after I taught my “Yoga Sculpt” class at the neighborhood church where I […]


Birthday Party Dilemma

by Kathy on August 15, 2011 · 2 comments

in Abby, Birthdays, Bob, Decisions, Family, Sean

Sean’s 8th birthday is approaching and we have started planning his “friend party,” which we plan to have at our new home. We will also hold a separate combined “family party” to celebrate Sean’s 8th and Abby’s 2nd birthdays, since they are only two weeks a part. In past years Sean has invited friends from […]


We have all lost friends and loved ones throughout our lives. It isn’t easy to let go of those who have meant so much to us. Some relationships come and go because the circumstances of our worlds change (such as our jobs, where we live or the addition of new family members). Some connections seem to fade […]


Sean and Abby posing for a photo last week. I am taking a short break from packing (only two more days until our big move) to share a recent Sibling Snippet. One night last week during dinner, which happened to be one of Sean’s favorites (Spaghetti with Italian Sausage), out of nowhere Sean says to […]


I started writing this blog entry this morning, before a short and very strong wind and rain storm blew through Chicago. Within about 10 minutes the crazy weather was over and we had lost power. As it turned out our electricity would not be restored for another 9 hours!  To say that it was a challenging […]