
Today I turned 45. Since entering my forties in 2015, I’d hoped, as well as worked to try to make it possible, for someone else to be #45 (making her our first female President), when I turned 45. What has transpired since that didn’t come to pass has been surreal and heartbreaking for me and […]

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Thursday, 3-14-96 9:13 PM London 3:13 PM E-Town I just got some happy/sad news… I talked to Ron Weasley & he got a “real” job! I am very happy for him, but I am sad that he will not be able to therefore return to camp this summer… I cherish our friendship and was looking […]


8 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. Ever since I did this writing exercise those two […]


Tuesday, 3-12-96 7:50 PM London 1:50 PM E-Town Tuesday evening, turned in my essay for British Society this afternoon, so I finally have time to do laundry… Much needed! The lady who works here just told me I have beautiful handwriting & asked if I was writing in English! Don’t quite know what to make […]


I intended to start this with a line from a song that I love, called Jack & Diane by John Cougar Mellencamp. It’s about holding on to “16 as long as you can, (because) changes come around real soon (that) make us women and men.” I was going to write about how magical this time […]


I came across this edited version of a page from a children’s story yesterday (via Parenting Works). I love the idea that we can allow ourselves to feel more than one emotion at the same time. It’s okay to cry. We can feel sad and brave. Those two emotions (as well as any others) are […]