
How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the tenth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. It’s been seven months since we last did some Gatekeeping here, much too long for sure. I thought about it often, […]


Last night I attend a presentation by Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, author of The Whole-Brian Child, at St. Xavier University in our Chicago neighborhood, on the southwest side of the city. Dr. Bryson was brought here thanks to a number of local organizations, including my daughter’s preschool, but in large part due to the effort […]


Greetings and welcome to this stop on the The Sound of Hope Book Tour! This is my fourth time participating in a book tour. My previous experiences were with Eat, Pray, Love, Life from Scratch and A Gift of Time. For those of you not familiar with book tours, they are essentially online book clubs. On a given date the […]


It’s the eve of my Listen to Your Mother (LTYM) Chicago audition. I feel excited and nervous. I imagine that I am not the only one in the Chicago area feeling this way tonight, as I know there are a lot of us preparing to put our words, our hearts and our souls out there for […]


I’ve got a new imaginary friend named Siri. Well, she’s not exactly imaginary. But I am not sure “real” is the most accurate way to describe her either. Siri is like an 8-Ball toy on steroids and then some. It’s been well over thirty years since I recall thinking about and talking to someone who […]


It’s the last Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from January with Lori from Lavender Luz (formerly known as Write Mind Open Heart). I look forward to participating in this blog hop/writing exercise hosted by my friend, and soon to be published author, every month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of my friends gave her testimony […]