by Kathy on June 11, 2015 · 1 comment
in Accountability, Anticipation, Background, Change, Communication, Coping, Courage, Decisions, Expectations, Faith, Family, Friends, Game Changers, Grief, Hope, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Mistakes, Podcasts, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Serial, Social Media, The Future, The Past, Time, Undisclosed, Waiting
Where were you on Wednesday, January 13, 1999? Seriously. Do you remember? Anything? I was in grad school at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign, getting my masters in Leisure Studies (for real, that is something one can major and get multiple degrees in). I am pretty sure I was back from winter break, […]
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I was just telling Abby about the voices I hear in my head… Example #1: When I forget to say, “please,” I hear my mom in my head saying, “Say, please, mom.” Example #2: When I say “good,” instead of “well,” when I should have, I hear my dad saying, “Or even, well…” Do you […]
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How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the twelfth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. It’s been almost two years since we last did some Gatekeeping here. Wow. I can hardly believe that… I was about to […]
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As I sit and type this post, our 11-year-old son is doing one of his after school chores, unloading and loading the dishwasher, and our 5-year-old daughter is playing quietly in her room. Really? Seriously?! Yes. Is it always like this? Of course not. But I can honestly say I don’t take our children (both […]
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by Kathy on February 27, 2015 · 5 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, Background, Change, Communication, Coping, Friends, Game Changers, Grief, Hope, Journey, Life, Love, Memories, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Time, Transitions, Writing
I was sitting across the table from her, in their kitchen. I asked how she was doing. She said, “really busy.” I said, “I know what you mean.” She replied, “I’m not sure that you do…” And then she told me. He got an amazing new job offer, the opportunity of a lifetime. High risk […]
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by Kathy on February 23, 2015 · 4 comments
in #MicroblogMondays, Blog Hops, Blogging, Communication, Courage, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Mental Health, Quotes, Reality, Sensativity, Social Media, Suicide Prevention, TV Shows, Writing
If you watched the Oscars last night, hopefully you got to hear The Imitation Game screenwriter Graham Moore’s moving acceptance speech. I love this excerpt from an Entertainment Weekly (EW) article about Moore and his speech today: Backstage, Moore addressed what it was like for him to be so personal in front of a global audience. “The […]
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