by Kathy on April 25, 2011 · 6 comments
in Abby, ALI Community, Bob, Change, Family, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, Loss, Perfect Moments, Sean, Time
Good morning! After reading and commenting on most of last week’s Perfect Moment Monday blog entries, I was struck by how a number of them seemed to have a common theme. It was a theme that Perfect Moment Monday founder/facilitator Lori at Write Mind Open Heart blogged about and so aptly used to title her post, “The Promised […]
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by Kathy on March 6, 2011 · 10 comments
in Abby, Background, Birthdays, Bob, Change, Family, Inspiration, Memories, Milestones, Molly, Sean, Song Lyrics, The Future, Time
Recently Abby and I were driving to pick up Sean from one of his after school programs when “100 Years” by Five for Fighting came on the radio. I have really liked that song ever since I first heard it years ago and found myself connecting again with the various ages in the verses as […]
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by Kathy on February 9, 2011 · 10 comments
in Abby, Adoption, Background, Bob, Change, Decisions, Hope, Inspiration, IVF, Memories, Molly, Sean, Transitions
Greetings! I am writing three different versions of this post/note/update in three different places online. Of course one is here on my blog (that you are reading right now) and the other two are for Facebook and our CarePage. For those reading it on Facebook and on our CarePage, it may the first time many […]
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Our son Sean took this picture of me last night with my new shorter and darker do. Maybe the change will inspire me to write/blog a bit more often in the new year?! In the meantime, until I get around to posting again, be sure to check out the 2010 Creme de la Creme list […]
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