
Let’s do the Time Warp! Welcome to the first installment of my new blog hop called Time Warp Tuesday here on Four of a Kind! In case you missed my post about this last week, here is the background of how and why I came up with the idea. If you are here to participate and link up […]


Slow Love by Dominique Browning is my third BlogHer Book Club read and my least favorite so far.  It is the first book club selection that I chose to read that I thought was just okay. There were some good insights and tidbits to chew on, but as another reviewer @yesnofilms commented on Twitter and I […]


We have all lost friends and loved ones throughout our lives. It isn’t easy to let go of those who have meant so much to us. Some relationships come and go because the circumstances of our worlds change (such as our jobs, where we live or the addition of new family members). Some connections seem to fade […]



by Kathy on August 4, 2011 · 2 comments

in Background, Change, Milestones, Molly, Our Home, Sean, Time

Today I am getting my hair trimmed and highlighted. The last time I did that was Tuesday, May 31, the day before the buyers of our old house walked through our (now their) front door for the first time. That was nine weeks ago. It’s amazing how much can change in that period of time, […]


“Like my mama says, ‘endings are important,’ she always told me that, and I just really feel like we are ending really strong with this.” ~ Jeremy Piven (who plays Agent Ari Gold) on A Final Farewell to Entourage which aired on HBO this weekend Tomorrow night the eighth and last season of one of Bob […]


I haven’t had this much trouble sleeping at night in a long time. Then again it has been awhile since my family and my life has felt this upside down. Of course this time around our discombobulation is mostly for good reason — we are just days away from moving into our new house! This […]