
I have been thinking about this question a lot. Especially since being diagnosed with moderate Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in November 2013. Me? Mentally Ill? Really? Seriously? Yes. Though it has taken me awhile to get used to living with this label, I am not ashamed of it. I have known and loved people with […]


Last year I was determined to get/stay in shape and shed weight. I even began and maintained, through July, a regular series/blog hop here called the Winter Shed, followed by the Spring Shed and eventually, the Summer Shed. It really helped me to be accountable to myself and the other women who participated. I shed […]


For the past six years, on Molly’s Heavenly Birthday in April and at our perinatal bereavement support group’s Walk to Remember in October, our family has participated in beautiful and therapeutic balloon releases in honor and memory of Molly, Babies Benson and other babies who left this world too soon. In the early years all I knew […]


“Hell is reliving our mistakes over and over again.” ~ The Wheel by Zinnie Harris Redemption is getting a second chance and doing things differently. On Sunday evening Bob and I, along with another couple, got to see The Wheel at Steppenwolf Theatre here in Chicago. It is the first play of the 2013-14 Season and […]


Welcome to the thirteenth check-in for the Spring Shed! Here is the back story about this support group/blog hop for those trying to be accountable for the positive changes we are making in our lives in 2013. After ten weeks of doing the Winter Shed, we moved on to this Spring Shed. Whether you are trying to shed […]


It’s (almost) the last Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from March with Lori from Lavender Luz. I look forward to participating in this blog hop/writing exercise hosted by my friend, and newly published author, every month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was the last day of her first year in preschool. She slept in and […]