
Tuesday, 1-16-96 8:06 PM London 2:06 PM E-Town Didn’t get to writing in here yesterday… In the morning I had a very interesting International Business class. After class I went to the Birkbeck library & browsed & wandered… I realized through discussion w/ Nathan & Andrew (the somewhat clueless, somewhat cool Welsh guys Lori & […]


My friend recommended this book, Little Disasters by Randall Klein, and I knew she wouldn’t steer me wrong. I listened via Audible and was captivated by the way the story was told, jumping back and forth between different time periods, slowly revealing how these two couples’ relationships became intertwined. I appreciate how the author allowed us to […]

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This week I have immersed myself in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s new book What Happened, about her experience with the 2016 Presidential Primary and Election, including why she didn’t win the electoral college and lots of inside scoop on what it was like behind the scenes of her campaign. I’ve struggled with what happened every day […]


I used to… A lot… One of my biggest takeaways from the personal development books, podcasts, and You Tube videos I’ve consumed since becoming a health and fitness coach is to stop throwing pity parties. I am an adult. I can take responsibility for my situation, my feelings, and my actions. I am able to change things. […]


Greetings and welcome to this stop on the Apart at the Seams Book Tour! This is my seventh time participating in a book tour. My previous experiences were with Eat, Pray, Love, Life from Scratch, A Gift of Time, The Sound of Hope, The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption, and Measure of Love. For those of you not familiar with […]


Two days from now my good friend Audra and I will be sitting in the audience, with friends, at the third annual Listen to Your Mother – Chicago show. It will be bittersweet for both of us, as we have both auditioned for the show in the past and were not chosen to be a part […]