
Sean’s Special Prayers

by Kathy on August 4, 2009 · 3 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Molly, Sean

Last night we got home from Sean’s last AYSO soccer game of the season/awards night and since he was getting to bed later we skipped our normal format for prayers (naming all of our family members and some close friends, followed by our “special prayers”) and went with the abbreviated “God bless all our family […]


The Details

by Kathy on July 30, 2009 · 3 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Hope, Molly, Sean, The Future

Are you ready for my third post this week?! I can’t remember the last time I did that… Bob and Sean have been up at his parents’ summer home in Michigan this week for a family vacation. While I would usually join them, in light of my third trimester discomforts, including not enjoying extended periods […]


Our Proud Big Brother!

by Kathy on July 26, 2009 · 13 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Molly, Sean, The Future

I have intended to share about the night we told Sean about our new baby girl for months now, but the time kept getting away from me. Back in April, when we told him, I did jot down a bunch of notes about our announcement and the conversation that ensued. So here is my recollection […]


Greetings from our third trimester! 🙂 I know I have not posted here much lately and apologize to those of you who may have been concerned. At this point no news continues to be good news for us and our new baby girl. I guess when things are going somewhat normally in my life, I […]


This Sunday, June 28 is the first anniversary of Molly’s estimated due date (EDD) last year. Had she been healthy and born close to when she was due, we likely would have recently held or be soon having her first birthday party. Also, five years ago this week, when Sean was just nine months old, […]


Good afternoon! I am checking in to let you know that we had our 25 week (gestation) echocardiogram (echo) this morning. Baby Benson’s heart looked great and normal according to the tech and our perinatal cardiologist! They both seemed glad to see us and to be able to deliver such wonderful news! Bob and I […]