
8 Years

by Kathy on September 11, 2009 · 9 comments

in 9/11, Baby Benson, Bob, Holidays, Loss, Memories

It’s hard to believe that eight years have come and gone since 9-11-01. On Facebook today a number of my friends have posted status updates sharing their memories of their personal experiences from that day and asked others to share theirs. I thought for sure that I would have done so here on my blog […]


Thank you for your comments on my last post and for repeating my new mantra with me, “September 17 is going to be a happy day!” I have continued to try to focus on that statement and not worry too much about what could possibly go wrong between now and then (our new baby girl’s […]


Another week down and two to go… if our new baby girl doesn’t arrive early! 🙂 This journey continues to be such an awesome and strange mix of emotions as we prepare to meet our third child/second daughter. The closer we get to her scheduled birth (via c-section) on September 17, the more real this […]


I have a thing for funerals/memorial services. Not that I ever want someone to die, especially loved ones, but I find them really moving. I appreciate hearing eulogies and knowing special stories and memories of how the deceased have touched others’ lives. I am inspired by their legacies and how their memories will live on […]


Three weeks from tomorrow (Thursday), if all goes well, we will get to meet our new baby girl. If she is born healthy, in theory we will get to bring her home a few days later. Did I really just type that? It’s been over five years since Bob and I started trying to have […]



by Kathy on August 4, 2009 · 14 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Fear, Loss, Molly

So I think I have entered a new phase in our pregnancy. A phase that I imagine is common for those who have lost babies. I am starting to get a bit paranoid about what could go wrong with our new baby girl that could keep her from coming home with us and cause her […]