
8 Weeks & Prayer Request

by Kathy on November 12, 2009 · 7 comments

in Abby, Bob, Hope, Milestones, Molly, Sean

I would not have believed you if you had told me this time last year that today I would have a happy and healthy eight week old baby girl! 🙂 HAPPY 8 WEEKS ABBY! Mommy, Daddy and Sean are so blessed and lucky to have you in our life (with Molly always in our hearts)! […]



Pictures of Abby! :)

by Kathy on September 21, 2009 · 32 comments

in Abby, Baby Benson, Bob, Sean

Here are some pictures of Abby and our family taken the day after she was born by a “Bella Baby” photographer in our hospital room. We have more from this “photo shoot” and a lot of other great pictures taken with our camera and …others’ the day she was born and since, that I may […]


She’s here!

by Kathy on September 17, 2009 · 53 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Molly, Sean

Dear family and friends, Today is a happy day! It is with great joy that we share the news that our daughter/baby sister Abigail Grace Bensonwas born safely and healthy this morning Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 7:55 a.m. weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz. measuring 21 inchesKathy and Abby are both doing well. We look […]


"The love inside…"

by Kathy on September 15, 2009 · 22 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Inspiration, Loss, Molly, Quotes, Sean

you take it with you.” ~ Sam says to Molly in the movie “Ghost” after he dies I was eating my breakfast this morning, after Bob and Sean left to catch their respective train and bus to work and to school, while reading and commenting on my friends’ status updates on Facebook (I find it […]


Signs & Good Fortunes

by Kathy on September 14, 2009 · 8 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Molly, Sean, Signs

As you may have noticed, I blog more often when I am anxious. Thank you so much for your kind words, support, encouragement, thoughts and prayers. They help me so much to take this journey one day at a time and know that so many people are holding me and my family close as we […]