…okay, not for another 9 days! But it sort of feels like it today and my special day (March 6) on which I will turn 35 years old (a.k.a. “advanced maternal age”) is on the horizon! Today I am having one of those days where everything seems to be turning out just perfectly! 🙂 Two […]
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If you have been watching the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada on television over the past two weeks, as Bob and I have been most nights, you may have noticed during many of the events that when the athletes have completed an event (whether timed, judged or both), that a red bar shows up on […]
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I have never been a big fan of Conan O’Brien. I don’t dislike him. I think he is a pretty funny guy. I just didn’t watch his late night show regularly before or after he got The Tonight Show gig 7 months ago. However, over the past few weeks I got sucked into the coverage […]
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Today was a busy day. Abby and I picked up Sean at the bus stop after school and then headed out to their pediatrician’s office so Sean could finally get his H1N1 vaccination. On the way home we stopped at the cemetery to visit Molly’s grave. Being that it was a cold day and there […]
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Bob, Sean, Abby and I with Molly in our hearts wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
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Back in September 2006, when I went to see my therapist (who specialized in infertility and pregnancy loss) for the first time she told me “this will be resolved.” I found that statement to be so liberating, as at the time I felt so overwhelmed by our inability to conceive and then to sustain pregnanciessince […]
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