by Kathy on June 14, 2011 · 8 comments
in Abby, Background, Bereavement, Bob, CHD, Family, Healing, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Pain, Peace, Quotes, Sean, Time
Sometime over the past few weeks I became aware of an awesome project that Angie from Still Life with Circles had started on her blog. She began by writing a very thoughtful and moving post about where she is at in her grief and her life right now, two years, five months and counting since […]
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by Kathy on May 30, 2011 · 10 comments
in Abby, Background, Bob, Family, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, IVF, Loss, Memories, Milestones, Molly, Perfect Moments, Song Lyrics
Today I ran in my 4th “Ridge Run” 5K race in our neighborhood. Prior to 5 years ago, in 2006, when I trained for and ran in my first 5K race, I had never run for pleasure or exercise before. Beyond that I didn’t understand or appreciate why anyone else would choose to do so. […]
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by Kathy on May 26, 2011 · 6 comments
in Abby, Bob, Change, Family, Fear, Hope, Inspiration, Molly, Peace, Quotes, Sean, The Future, Transitions
My friend Loribeth at The Road Less Traveled has this wonderful quote listed on the sidebar of her blog: I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking […]
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On Friday night we had some good friends over for dinner that we hadn’t gotten to see and spend time with in awhile. Earlier in the week after we made the dinner plans I was talking with Bob about what to serve for dinner. Often when we get together with this couple, especially in the […]
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Last weekend Bob took me out to dinner and to see a play at the Steppenwolf Theatre here in Chicago. It was my Mother’s Day gift and our first date night, just the two of us, in awhile. I had wanted to see the play for some time, as my parents (who have a “subscription” to Steppenwolf, kind of like season tickets […]
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Last Wednesday at the end of Sean’s Tae Kwon Do class he decided that he was ready to show one of his instructors (a.k.a. masters) the he had learned and could do “Basic One” (a routine that includes 20 movements in a specific order) and recite the “High White Belt Student Creed” all by himself. Each time […]
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