by Kathy on October 23, 2023 · 1 comment
in Background, Bereavement, Change, Coping, Family, Grief, Healing, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Mom, Reality, Transitions, Writing
When Dad died in July 2021 I told Mom there was no rush to go through his things, that we could take our time. That worked for Mom, for my sister Meg and for me and when we felt ready (enough) we started the process of determining what we wanted to keep and what we […]
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by Kathy on September 17, 2023 · 0 comments
in Anticipation, Background, Bereavement, Birthdays, Books, Camp Echo, Change, Communication, Coping, Dad, Dance, Decisions, Disappointment, Family, Friends, Gail, Gratitude, Grief, Happiness, Hope, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Molly, Mom, Our Home, Pain, Parenting, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, School, Sean, Siblings, Song Lyrics, Summer Camp, The Past, Theater, Time, TV Shows, Vacations
Hello, 14! What a whirlwind this last year has been for you and our family, dear Gail… We have navigated so many wonderful and challenging experiences. Dancing Gail continues to describe you well as you spend as much time at Dance Center Evanston (DCE)/Studio 5 taking classes and rehearsing for ede2 dance company as you […]
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by Kathy on August 1, 2023 · 0 comments
in Background, Bereavement, Coping, Faith, Family, Gratitude, Grief, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Mom, Quotes, Sadness, The Past, Writing
It’s been three weeks since the last day (Tuesday, July 11th) that I spent time with Mom, when she was fully conscious, and what a three weeks it has been. As with so many things in life, in some ways it feels like these weeks have flown by, while at the same time these last […]
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by Kathy on June 29, 2023 · 0 comments
in Background, Bereavement, Change, Coping, Dad, Family, Grief, Inspiration, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Music, Pain, Parenting, Reality, Relationships, Song Lyrics, The Past, Therapy, Time, Transitions, Triggers
Three years ago today in 2020 was the first time Mom, Dad and I were together in person after not seeing each other for three and half months (the second longest we’d ever gone) due to the start of the pandemic. The longest was when I studied abroad in London, during the spring semester of […]
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16 years ago today, on April 10, 2007, I began blogging. Though I don’t post as often or consistently as I have in the past, I am still grateful to have this space to share and process life. On past blogoversaries I have shared things that I have learned from blogging and 11 years ago, since my blogoversary fell on the […]
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by Kathy on September 17, 2022 · 0 comments
in Background, Bereavement, Birthdays, Camp Echo, Change, Chicago, Coping, Dad, Dance, Decisions, Disappointment, Diversions, Expectations, Family, Friends, Gail, Gratitude, Grief, Happiness, Hope, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Movies, Music, Our Home, Parenting, Peace, Planning, Quotes, Relationships, Sadness, School, Sean, Siblings, Song Lyrics, Summer Camp, The Future, The Past, Theater, Time, Transitions, Travel, Writing
Can you believe it? YOU ARE A TEENAGER! Also, you have teal hair and we live in Evanston now! In many ways you’ve been acting like a teenager for awhile and your age is finally catching up to your maturity level (most of the time), not to mention your vibe (which I think is awesome). […]
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