
On Saturday I got to hear twelve stories that I hadn’t known before. Each story was unique and from the perspective of a mother, a child, or both. And I got to share some of my story. The lucky thirteen of us make up the cast of the 2016 Listen to Your Mother Chicago show. Over […]

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At 41, I am getting better with acceptance. Much of the time I am able to appreciate things and people for what and who they are, as opposed to my expectations for them. Today is the first rehearsal with my fellow Listen To Your Mother (LTYM) 2016 Chicago cast. It is still surreal to me […]


I got the call for my breast surgery (lumpectomy/wide excision) on Monday. It is scheduled to begin at 7:00 a.m. and we need to be there at 5:30 a.m. Excited that I won’t have to wait too long, with fasting after midnight. And being that Bob and I usually get up at 5:00 a.m. to […]


There’s nothing like a health scare to get you thinking about and looking at life, especially your own body, differently. That was certainly my experience during the five years we struggled with secondary infertility, pregnancy loss, and neonatal death. I often found myself questioning our circumstances. Why me? Why us? Why now? Why isn’t my […]


Our appointment today, with Dr. K, the specialized breast surgeon at Advocate Christ Medical Center, went really well. I was more impressed than I expected to be, after being wowed by Dr. J at the University of Chicago Medical Center yesterday. Dr. K assured us that it is really, really, really unlikely that once removed […]


Today we had our second opinion appointment with a specialized breast surgeon at the University of Chicago Medical Center, Dr. J. We were very impressed with her. While in the waiting room at the Breast Center, we had the opportunity to look at information about Dr. J’s background and qualifications. I was encouraged to see […]