Book Review: Little Disasters by Randall Klein

by Kathy on June 5, 2018 · 1 comment

in Bereavement, Books, Change, Communication, Coping, Decisions, Diversions, Family, Grief, Life, Loss, Love, Marriage, Neonatal Death, Relationships, Reviews, Writing

My friend recommended this book, Little Disasters by Randall Klein, and I knew she wouldn’t steer me wrong. I listened via Audible and was captivated by the way the story was told, jumping back and forth between different time periods, slowly revealing how these two couples’ relationships became intertwined.

I appreciate how the author allowed us to see the different perspectives of the two main male characters and would’ve also enjoyed the same window into the minds of the two main females.

Though most of the characters had a hand in the disasters chronicled in this story, I definitely found myself rooting for some more than others. I also developed empathy for the struggles each character faced and how they coped, making it more challenging to see any of them as purely innocent or villains.

As a bereaved mother, whose second child died soon after she was born, I could especially relate to the baby loss storyline and how that can impact couples and other relationships in our lives, as we grieve and learn to adapt to our new normal.

There were aspects of the story that seemed farfetched to me, at times. However, who am I to say how people behave at any juncture of their lives? These characters were certainly all interesting and quirky in their own ways, as we all are.

I recommend this and am curious, now that I’ve finished and shared my review, to find out what others thought about it. I made a point to not read any reviews after the initial one I read before buying it, that my friend shared, as I tend to be impressionable and wanted to form my own opinions before taking in others points of view.

What are you reading this week?

Any recommendations for my cue?

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Mel June 6, 2018 at 9:03 am

I hadn’t considered it before your review, but it would have been cool to get the story in four parts, from four points-of-view!


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