This week I have immersed myself in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s new book What Happened, about her experience with the 2016 Presidential Primary and Election, including why she didn’t win the electoral college and lots of inside scoop on what it was like behind the scenes of her campaign. I’ve struggled with what happened every day since 11/9/16 and I am learning so much from her perspective.

I have found What Happened to be interesting, inspiring and so very moving. I love that she recorded the audio version, to which I am listening, and thus I feel like she is telling me a story, her story.

I’ve been transcribing my favorite quotes, as I go, and sharing on social media, along with call to action questions, inviting those reading them to do more than just digest them.

Here is what I have highlighted so far and I will update this list as I continue reading and find more that speak to me:


 Be grateful for the hard things too. To be grateful even for our flaws, because in the end, they make us stronger, by giving us a chance to reach beyond our grasp. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton 

What are you grateful for today?


 You’re never guaranteed success. But you are bound to try, again and again and again. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton 

How are you trying today?


 If (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) can find the time and energy to exercise regularly, so can I and you.
~ Hillary Rodham Clinton 

Did you exercise yet today?


On how her mother learned to stop the cycle of abuse she was raised with:

 She saw that gentle firmness was possible and that families could actually laugh together, and not just sit in stony silence. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton 

Are you mindful of and do you try to stop cycles of abuse in your life and family?


 One hard truth we all have to face is that we all have implicit biases. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton 

Are you aware of your implicit biases?


 We don’t always spend enough time thinking about what it takes to actually make the change the we seek. Change is hard. That’s one reason we’re sometimes taken in by leaders who make it sound easy, but don’t have any idea how to get anything done. To often we fail to think big enough or act fast enough and let opportunities for change slip away. Or we don’t have the patience to see things through. ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton 

How will you be patient and see things through today? This week? This month? This year?

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