I am frustrated.

I was hoping to get to a certain place, a level in my coaching business this week, and it’s not going to happen (or at least it is highly unlikely at this point).

It isn’t for lack of effort, drive, creativity, and support from those around me.

It’s a learning curve.

There are some goofy rules and systems in place.

Sometimes in life we try to beat the system or at least work around it, to get what we want.

In doing so, sometimes we lose sight of the real goal, the reason we are doing all of this.

I became a coach to help people be fit and healthy.

The extra money is pretty cool too.

I love getting to train and mentor other coaches on my team/in my downline.

I truly believe so many life experiences leading up to this has prepared me to do exactly what I am doing now and that feels amazing.

But it is far from easy.

It takes a lot of work, dedication, consistency, patience, resilience, optimism, enthusiasm, I could go on and on…

I am my own boss, which I love.

I am part of a really wonderful team, which I also love.

I am getting to do all of this, while still being home with my kids, which is great.

But here I am now, trying to “rank advance,” because I know what it means and I want that too.

It’s human nature, right? To want to achieve certain things.

One of my absolute favorite parts of being part of Team Beachbody is the emphasis placed on personal development. The people who dreamed up this business and continue to shape/lead it are geniuses. They have us reading books like Failing Forward, The Slight Edge, The Compound Effect and Go Pro, knowing that people can burnout doing network marketing very quickly. We listen to and watch phone calls and videos that help build up our self-esteem and teach us how to learn from our mistakes.

Nights like this are hard.

But I am not giving up.

I believe in myself.

I believe in my clients.

I believe in my coaches.

I believe in my team.

I believe in Beachbody (though it is not a business name I would’ve chosen, it is what it is).

If you are reading this, no matter what line of work/vocation you are in, I am sure you too have good days and bad days.

I imagine, just like me, there are moments when you feel you can take on the world and conquer anything.

And then, there are those times, as I am experiencing now, where you doubt yourself, your choices, how you spend your time.

It’s okay.

It’s normal (if there is such a thing).

It’s life.

We live and learn.

We try to make sense of it all.

I am sure I could add a lot more clichés here, but I will wrap this up.

I am tired.

I should be in bed.

But I needed to write.

It really helped to get this out.

I know I don’t have to share this.

But if you are reading this, then I obviously chose to hit publish and likely shared the link to this somewhere.

Thank you for abiding with me, as I figure this out.

I feel better now.

Not nearly as frustrated.

I have perspective.

Tomorrow morning, I will wake up at 5:20 a.m. with my husband.

Our daily routine (since the end of April) will begin again.

We will drink our Shakeology together and workout.

We will get our children off to school and get on with our days.

We will make the most of each moment as it comes and try to be the best people and parents we can be.

We will continue to make mistakes and hopefully learn from them.

We will try to make our own parents and our children proud by how we live and help others.

Wherever this finds you, know that I am sending you peace, love, and light to get through whatever you need to.

I also hope and pray that you find joy today, as well as that you are able to connect with kindred spirits who help you to be comfortable in your own skin.

Thank you for being you.

Thank you for embracing me.

Thank you for reading.


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 April October 8, 2014 at 9:10 am

Thank you for writing, Kathy. Thank you for sharing, thank you for inspiring.

Thank you for caring.
April recently posted..Instant FriendshipMy Profile


2 Mel October 8, 2014 at 12:22 pm

This is exactly what I needed to read today. I know you got something out of writing it, but you should also know that I just got the equivalent of a deep breath by reading it. Thank you.
Mel recently posted..Are Infertility Blogs about Bearing Witness or Entertainment?My Profile


3 Letitia October 13, 2014 at 6:08 am

As I read this, I’m reminded of when I first wanted to become a coach and couldn’t because of other fianancial obligations but… I’m a coach now! Delayed does not mean denied. You’ll be a Diamond coach before you know it, You got this!… and I’ll be cheering for you as always 😉


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