Time Warp Tuesday: Delayed Start (Updated)

by Kathy on November 29, 2011 · 3 comments

in Blog Hops, Holidays, Life, NaBloPoMo, Time Warp Tuesdays, Writing


This morning I woke up and had one of those moments where I felt like I had forgotten to study for a big exam back in my school days. I was thinking about my day and what was hoping to accomplish when it occurred to me that I had forgotten to post (or even write) my Time Warp blog entry for this week!

Usually I write my Time Warp posts on or before Monday and schedule them to go up just after midnight Tuesday morning. But this week I had holidays and perfect moments on my brain, among other things. Last night, when I might have otherwise remembered to get ready for Time Warp this week, I was putting together a photo calendar, an annual gift for some of our family members, and I was reading and commenting on many of the perfect moments that people shared as a part of Lori’s monthly blog hop over at Write Mind Open Heart. It is not unusual for me to be doing more than one thing at once. I thrive (well, most of the time) on multi-tasking.

So for any of you that may be more organized than I am today and ready to link up your Time Warp posts, I will try to get my post ready ASAP to allow us to do the Time Warp again this week! Bob has left for work, Sean is off to school and Abby is still sleeping, so I will see what I can do before she wakes up this morning. Though I don’t want to rush too much, as it is a very interesting topic!

As in past weeks, the LinkyTool will be open until Sunday night, so if you are having a busy week too, you are certainly still welcome to participate after today (Tuesday) has come and gone.

Please come back soon (keep an eye on your readers) to check out my post, link up yours and see who else is doing the Time Warp this week!

Click here for details (in last week’s post) about how to participate (it’s not to late) and to read more about this week’s topic: Post Publishing Fear, suggested by Jjaraffe from Too Many Fish to Fry. I promise I wasn’t *afraid* to write my post this week, I just forgot!

Update: I have decided to post-pone this week’s Time Warp topic and post until next week. There is a lot going on in my life, my head and my family (mostly wonderful things, one of which I can’t wait to share about here, but am not at liberty to yet) and can not seem to focus enough today to get my blog entry together. So rather than force myself to do it half-heartedly, I want to take my time and do it justice. So we will make this a “bi-week” and pick up where we left off next Tuesday with the topic of Post Publishing Fear. Thank you for understanding. If you did write and post on this topic today, please share a link in the comment section, as I would love to read and comment today and will be sure to link up to your post next Tuesday. Otherwise, if you haven’t posted yet and are willing to wait, please save your posts for next week and if you hadn’t gotten a post together in time either for today, now you have an extra week to ponder and prepare! 🙂

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 HereWeGoAJen November 29, 2011 at 3:08 pm

See you next week!


2 Esperanza November 29, 2011 at 4:32 pm

Oops. I just published mine. Oh well… I guess I'll pull it? Shoot.


3 Kathy November 29, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Jen – Thank you! 🙂

Esperanza – Sorry I didn't reply to your comment sooner. Thank you for pulling your blog entry to save and re-post next week. It would have been okay if you left it up, we could have still just linked you up next week. But it will be nice to have our posts go up together next Tuesday. I really look forward reading what you wrote and appreciate your patience and understanding. xoxo


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