So far, so good!

by Kathy on February 16, 2009 · 9 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Sean, The Future

Good afternoon!

I am relieved to to let you know that our ultrasound this morning went very well!

The tech measured our baby’s heart rate twice and it was beating at 171 and then 182 bpm. Which is very good/normal.

The tech measured our baby’s crown to rump length twice and got both 2.50 cm (9 weeks 1 day) and 2.59 cm (9 weeks 3 days) for due dates of September 20 and September 18 (however, they will still likely go with my original due date from my last menstrual period of September 23).

Everything seems to continue to be going normally thus far and we hope and pray for this pregnancy to be as normal and uneventful as possible! 🙂

Our next regular pre-natal appointment is scheduled for Friday, February 27, when hopefully, if things continue to go well, our baby will be between 10 & 11 weeks gestation. Our doctor will try to get the baby’s heart rate on the Doppler that day, but our tech today assured us if there is any trouble or question about it, they would definitely do another ultrasound.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. You support and encouragement means so much to us. I heard someone say recently that being pregnant again after losing a baby (like we have with Molly) was the second hardest thing she ever had to do in her life (the first being losing her child). I can really relate to that statement right now.

We are excited about our baby and a grateful to have made it this far, just nervous knowing what can go wrong and trying to take this one day, one step and one OB appointment at a time. We are very encouraged by today’s news and continue to be cautiously optimistic.

Please still keep this to yourself.* We will let you know when our pregnancy is “public,” however since we don’t intend to tell Sean for as long as possible, we would like to keep those who know to a minimum. Thank you.

*Edited to add: what I am referring to here is those of you who we know and come into regular contact with “in real life.” Especially those who interact with Sean. I haven’t and don’t plan to share about our pregnancy on CarePages or Facebook for some time, but felt I needed and outlet and thus have chosen to blog about it here. I don’t mind if you want to share about this with fellow bloggers in the Adoption, Loss & Infertility (ALI) Blogosphere or in the online support groups that I am, or have been, a part of with you, but have not shared my news with yet. I really do appreciate your enthusiasm, care and support. I just am trying to protect Sean and respect that many of our family members and close friends don’t know our news yet and we would prefer when the time comes they hear it from Bob or me and not “through the grapevine.”

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

1 T-Mommy February 16, 2009 at 5:13 pm

Those are wonderful news, thank you so much for sharing!!!…

I have been thinking of you all day and this is exactly what I was praying to hear.

I can´t imagine how hard and difficult it must be for you to be joyful and at peace, but please know that just when you feel there is no more left, we have tons to give and share with you!

I hope with all my heart that everything keeps going well 🙂


2 Kimmyann February 16, 2009 at 6:33 pm

Glad to hear things are looking good at this point.


3 Martha February 16, 2009 at 6:45 pm

Thank you for the wonderful news, I share your optimism and always send my best to you all including your growing baby. I promise, shhh, your secret is safe with me, no worries. Just kidding, just a little blog buddy humor!


4 Erika February 16, 2009 at 6:48 pm

I am so happy to hear that things are looking good! Praise the Lord!

I will keep praying for you. I can only imagine the range of emotions you are dealing with now. When I got pregnant shortly after I miscarried last fall, I was so emotional and scared for quite a long time. It was a big struggle to fully give everything over to God. So I can only imagine what you are dealing with now. God is faithful and I know He will guide you through this. I will keep praying…


5 Sherri February 16, 2009 at 7:26 pm

I’m so happy that you continue to get good news. I’m still keeping you and the new baby in my prayers!


6 Fertilized February 16, 2009 at 7:34 pm

This is very good news!


7 Jess February 16, 2009 at 9:52 pm

YAY! Very very good news!!


8 Kristie February 17, 2009 at 12:12 am

Happy 8w6d 🙂 I am so glad to read a good report.


9 SommerNyte February 17, 2009 at 1:37 am

What wonderful news! I am so glad that all is going well so far.

As for keeping the news to myself… I already told our September Buddy Group at since I know you don’t post there any more. Sorry… but they are all so excited for you!!! 🙂


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