Today I am cycle day 3 (CD3). I went in this morning for an ultrasound and blood work. The ultrasound tech said that she saw three cysts on my left ovary, but that they were all small and that things looked good for me to start the pill this week! The woman who did my blood work gave me my prescription for the pill and told be to start it on Wednesday!!! I was very excited as I thought the soonest they would let me start would be Thursday, so one day earlier than that works for me!

This way there is a very good chance, as long as the new protocol isn’t much different in length than last cycle, that we will be able to get the ET in before Bob and I leave for our week in Vegas at the end of June! 🙂 We will know more after our appointment with our RE on Friday. The ultrasound tech asked me to bring a list of the unopened medications and supplies that I have left from last cycle so she knows how much of everything to order this time around. So I am feeling good about moving forward with this new cycle!

In other news… My mom’s retirement party yesterday was lovely and a real tribute to the strong relationships she has with her colleagues and the great work she has done helping elementary school children, as a reading specialist, over the past 12 years (not to mention the tutoring practice she ran out of our home for years when we were kids and the teaching she did before me and my sister and I were born).

After the party we went back to my parent’s house and celebrated my sister’s boyfriend’s birthday, which was nice. Later on, after we got home, we got a phone call from my sister and her fiance, that’s right, her fiance!!! Apparently after they got back to my sister’s condo last night her boyfriend proposed to her! We are very happy for them, we think that they make a great couple and are excited that my sister’s fiance will be joining our family!

I hope that you all have a great week and, if I don’t post before then, I will certainly let you know how our appointment goes on Friday with our RE! Thank you for your continued support, thoughts and prayers as we move forward with our next IVF cycle! 🙂

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