Our Powder Room (Then and Now)

January 10, 2017

“You changed the picture,” she said as she walked out of our powder room. “It’s a great of you two, I just loved the old one.” “Did you noticed what else changed?” I asked. “We moved out the magazine rack (with periodicals to browse, mostly from late 2007/early 2008).” Awhile back a good friend pointed […]

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Perspective at Seven

December 30, 2016

I was walking up the stairs to check on them, when I overheard Abby tell her friend (who was over for their first playdate, at our home) that she wanted to talk about her sister in Heaven. I paused on the stairs and quietly listened to the conversation that followed. Abby explained that her sister […]

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Today You Are Thirteen

October 2, 2016

You. Are. A. Teenager. Holy Cow! And… The Cubs made the playoffs/are predicted to win the World Series! Two things I am not sure if I believed would ever happen… Okay, I knew, or should I say hoped, you’d see this day eventually, as much as you don’t care for the number 13. I just […]

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Who I Am (Then and Now)

September 20, 2016

Two years ago we walked in honor and memory of our loved ones who died by suicide. Two years ago I was new to being a coach. ?? Two years ago I was learning to navigate life with moderate generalized anxiety disorder. ? Two years ago I struggled to live what I claimed my priorities […]

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Today You Are Seven

September 17, 2016

Last night, when I tucked you into bed for the last time as a six-year-old, you asked me if it was okay for you to read a book to help you get sleepy. That is one of the biggest changes this year… You can read! And you really enjoy it! You learned so much at […]

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How I Feel (Then and Now)

September 16, 2016

I love before and after pics! ?  And it’s been awhile since I’ve shared a set of mine… ? So today, on the left, I give you 39-year-old me, the day after Eater Sunday in April 2014, when Bob and I began doing Focus T25 with Shaun T and drinking Shakeology daily. ?? On the right […]

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