Beachbody Workout 7-Day Hybrid Schedule
If you want to follow a routine and switch things up, at the same time, you can make your own hybrid schedule, following what they recommend on Beachbody On Demand (BOD), which you have access to as a Team Beachbody Club Premium Member. At the bottom of this page is the skeleton schedule used to create the “Challenge Du Jour,” daily Beachbody On Demand workouts. This is essentially a “choose your own adventure” version of that.
I think there is great value in doing specific Beachbody workout programs (and following the corresponding eating plans) from start to finish, whether they are 3 weeks, 8 weeks, 13 weeks, or somewhere in between. In my experience, that has been the key to seeing great results. And there are so many to choose from.
Here’s a video I made about how to find the best workout program/fit for you:
That said, sometimes if you have just finished one and are ready to start a new one, you want a week or two off from following a specific program with a specific trainer. Or maybe you are waiting for a new program to be released and you want to revisit some of your favorite workouts, with various trainers, from previous programs you’ve done, without doing the whole program again.
This is a work in progress, which I will add to. Please let me know what you think/any feedback you have.
Click on the links below for specific options/recommendations for each workout program category.
Note: You do not have to do these workouts on the specific day of the week listed below, however you should do them in this order, if you want a well-rounded 7-Day Hybrid Workout program.
Monday = Plyo / Cardio (Option: Additional Core focused workout)*
Tuesday = Lower Body or Total Body Resistance
Wednesday = Cardio / Core (Option: Additional Core focused workout)*
Thursday = Rest / Recovery
Friday = Upper Body or Total Body Resistance
Saturday = Cardio (Option: Additional Core focused workout)*
Sunday = Total Body Resistance / Core (may not want to do a Core specific workout, if done on Saturday)
*After doing 22 Minute Hard Corps in Spring 2016, which offers optional Core workouts 3 days each week (after the scheduled cardio workouts), I came to appreciate how those additional core focused workouts strengthened my core. Thus, I added that option to this schedule.