
Getting Abby to school this morning, more so her gym shoes, was a comedy of errors. I was half way home from dropping her off when she called to say she forgot them. I thought she said she left them in the car, since she was wearing her snow boots. However, when I was half […]


Saturday, 2-10-96 5:50 PM London 11:50 AM E-Town God gave us the ability to feel… Oh, the varieties of feelings & emotions I have had the past few days! Thursday I went to St. Paul’s Cathedral w/ my architecture class! (Where Prince Charles & Princess Di were married…) We have been studying Christopher Wren & […]


Thursday, 2-8-96 1:00 AM London 7:00 PM E-Town (2-7-96) Okay, I am home now! Hanging w/ the canoe club at the ULU pub was loads of fun! They are a great group to hang out w/! And… they invited me to a Ball! ☺︎ It is Friday, March 22nd & it is called “Purple’s Ball!” […]


Wednesday, 2-7-96 10:20 PM London 4:20 PM E-Town Well, I am in the ULU pool locker room! I just tried “canoe polo” for the first time! It is lots of fun & harder than it looks! ☺︎ I learned how to paddle to move the boat sideways, to keep from tipping over, to turn rt., […]


Monday, 2-5-96 12:03 AM London 6:03 PM E-Town (2-4-96) Well, the best of time do usually tend to be those you didn’t plan &/or weren’t expecting… Lori & I decided to go on our first (of many, yet to come, we now believe…) “London Walk!” We took the Central Line tube to St. Paul’s & […]


Wednesday, 1-31-96 11:08 PM London 5:08 PM E-Town Well, after almost a month here in London, I feel pretty nearly where I belong… I was gonna say “pretty nearly perfectly happy,” to quote Anne of Green Gables… but what is perfect?! Well, I went to the Canoe Polo trials & decided not to try out […]