by Kathy on April 25, 2011 · 6 comments
in Abby, ALI Community, Bob, Change, Family, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, Loss, Perfect Moments, Sean, Time
Good morning! After reading and commenting on most of last week’s Perfect Moment Monday blog entries, I was struck by how a number of them seemed to have a common theme. It was a theme that Perfect Moment Monday founder/facilitator Lori at Write Mind Open Heart blogged about and so aptly used to title her post, “The Promised […]
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by Kathy on March 6, 2011 · 10 comments
in Abby, Background, Birthdays, Bob, Change, Family, Inspiration, Memories, Milestones, Molly, Sean, Song Lyrics, The Future, Time
Recently Abby and I were driving to pick up Sean from one of his after school programs when “100 Years” by Five for Fighting came on the radio. I have really liked that song ever since I first heard it years ago and found myself connecting again with the various ages in the verses as […]
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THEN — Last year on January 13 we were cautiously optimistic when we saw this: NOW — This year on January 13 we feel very blessed and lucky to have this in our life: It is still hard for me to believe that our sweet Abigail Grace will be 4 months old on Saturday! What […]
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Thank you to Kymberli and Tash for sharing yours and introducing me to Wordle.
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One of my new favorite blogs is I’m a Smart One… ( For those who may not be familiar with it, Kymberli is the author and has a compelling and inspiring writing style, not to mention life story. She is a wife, mother and 8th grade literature teacher, who struggled with primary infertility and after […]
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Five weeks ago today our Molly Marie was born and went to Heaven. It’s hard to believe that much time has passed since we held our baby girl. Here is a video that I made with the pictures our bereavement photographer Karen took for us on Molly’s birthday. I set the picture slide show to […]
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