
Let’s do the Time Warp again! Welcome to the fifteenth installment of my blog hop/writing exercise called Time Warp Tuesday here on Four of a Kind! For those not familiar with Time Warp Tuesdays, which I host on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, here is the background of how and why I came up with the […]


The the word on blog street is that it’s International Blog Delurking Week (IBDW). So I am jumping on the bandwagon and inviting you to let me know that you are here. As Mel explains in her blog post about IBDW: It is fairly easy. Leave a comment in the comment section below admitting that you’re here. You can […]


Dreamers and Realists

by Kathy on December 9, 2011 · 3 comments

in Balance, Bob, Quotes, Relationships, TV Shows

Recently Bob and I have been catching up on our DVR watching. We had gotten behind with Modern Family and have watched a half dozen episodes over the past two weeks.  We are almost caught up and especially enjoyed watching an episode from November called “Punkin Chunkin,” which originally aired on the day before Thanksgiving. […]