
Our only hope…

by Kathy on February 20, 2008 · 7 comments

in Bob, CHD, Digoxin, Echocardiograms, FET #1, Molly, Sean, Terbutaline

Here is the latest on Molly’s heart condition. Again, I am sharing an email I just sent to our family and close friends. Thank you so much for your comments, they mean so much to me. We did get to have a “3D” ultrasound this morning and I will try to get back soon and […]


Molly’s kickin’ it!

by Kathy on February 15, 2008 · 7 comments

in CHD, FET #1, Molly, Terbutaline

Well really she’s kicking me, my belly… But anyway, I just had to share. Though I have felt a lot of quickening and at times what seemed to be a bit stronger movement, today is the first day I recall feeling strong kicks or punches from our baby girl! Maybe it’s her increased heart rate […]


Schedule changes

by Kathy on February 14, 2008 · 5 comments

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Molly, Terbutaline

A little while ago I got a phone call from our perinatal cardiologist, Dr. Cuneo. The only other time she has called us directly, it wasn’t the best of news, so I was a bit worried. Initially she said she was calling to check in and see how I was doing with my first 24 […]


Approximately 1 1/2 hours…

by Kathy on February 13, 2008 · 5 comments

in CHD, FET #1, Molly, Terbutaline

That’s how long it’s been since I took my first Terbutatline pill (around 8:30 p.m. tonight) and how long it seemed to take for the Terbutaline to “kick in” as far as I can tell. I do feel jittery and sort of caffinated, though I haven’t had any caffine. Not too bad though… I’ll let […]


Terbutaline Time

by Kathy on February 13, 2008 · 7 comments

in Bob, CHD, Echocardiograms, FET #1, Molly, Sean, Terbutaline

As with past “Echo Wednesday” updates, I am cutting and pasting an email that we sent to our family and close friends (many of whom do not know that I have a blog) to save my having to create a separate and new explanation of our day. I also am including to the left Molly’s […]


Echo Eve

by Kathy on February 12, 2008 · 3 comments

in Bob, CHD, Echocardiograms, FET #1, Molly

Today I have spent time following up with various doctors about paperwork, test results and insurance coverage in preparation for our next fetal echocardiogram tomorrow morning. I spoke with our PCP and he said that the results from my echocardiogram on Saturday were “okay.” I asked if okay was bad and he said no. He […]