
Today it has been eight months since Molly was born and went to Heaven. As in previous months on the 17th, I am taking time today to honor the memory of our daughter and Sean’s baby sister through sharing with you about special things that help our family to continue to remember and feel connected […]


Benson’s Anatomy

by Kathy on December 14, 2008 · 6 comments

in Bob, Healing, Loss, Molly, Sean, TV Shows

Greetings! It has been awhile since I posted here, in part because I just haven’t had much to say. Well, at least not much to say related to the original reason I created this blog and the additional reasons I have kept it up since. I also haven’t had, or at least made, the time […]


Her name in the sand…

by Kathy on November 18, 2008 · 14 comments

in Healing, Loss, Molly

Many thanks to Carly and Sam Dudley at Names in the Sand for this beautiful picture of our baby girl’s name in the sand. It is an awesome and healing labor of love that they offer families like ours, all over the world, that have been touched by angels. If you have time today or […]


Today it has been seven months since Molly was born and went to Heaven. As in previous months on the 17th, I am taking time today to honor the memory of our daughter and Sean’s baby sister through sharing with you about special things that help our family to continue to remember and feel connected […]


"Did you vote?"

by Kathy on November 4, 2008 · 3 comments

in Bob, Healing, Molly, Sean

Sean asked me that randomly as we were driving home after his park district Tumbling class this afternoon. I repeated the question back to him. “Sean did you just ask me if I voted today?” Sean replied, “yes.” I told Sean that I did vote earlier today and that so did Daddy. Then I asked […]


Party like its 1993!

by Kathy on October 28, 2008 · 4 comments

in Bob, Healing, Molly, Sean

Thank you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers following my recent posts. For a variety of reasons (many of which I shared here) the last few weeks have been difficult for me emotionally. I am continuing to heal, to work through my grief, to learn how to live my life without my baby girl […]