I just spoke with a nurse from our OB’s office and found out that I am gestational diabetes (GD) free (at least for now)! My results were 83 and the nurse told me that under 140 is considered normal/a negative result. She also explained that they will test me again at about 28 weeks, but […]
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I imagine that most of you by now have heard about/been to “McMama’s” blog. However, in case you have not, her youngest son Stellan is at the hospital, in the PICU, with severe heart problems and is not doing well. I first found out about Stellan and McMama, soon after Molly was born and died, […]
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This morning we had our third prenatal appointment at our OB’s office. I am happy to report that it was relatively uneventful, just as we like them! 🙂 The highlights from today include that we got to hear Baby Benson’s heartbeat again on the Doppler and it sounded great and normal! To our surprise we […]
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is that we are (at least I am) often disappointed when people or events don’t live up to them. When Bob and I started planning what we wanted to do for Molly’s Birthday/Celebration of Life next month we told ourselves that we would share what we were going to do with our family and friends […]
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Just a quick post to let you know I just spoke with the Genetic Counselor that Bob and I met with last Wednesday as part of the “First Trimester Ultra-Screen” test. It is a combined ultrasound and blood screen that helps identify babies who may have Down syndrome, Trisomy 13 or Trisomy 18. Our results […]
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It seems appropriate that one of Molly’s monthly milestones would fall on this date, being that we live on the South Side of Chicago close to the South Side Irish (SSI) parade route. Here is a picture of our family from this year’s parade. Around this time last year we got […]
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