
This weekend we have started putting up Christmas decorations in our new home. It is starting to feel more like wintertime. Usually while preparing our home for the holidays we play Christmas songs to help us get into the spirit of the season. This year it has been especially nice that our son Sean has […]


Thanksgiving is…

by Kathy on November 24, 2011 · 4 comments

in Abby, Family, Holidays, is..., NaBloPoMo, Sean, Thanksgiving

watching our children walk hand and hand, knowing how blessed and lucky we are. Photo credit: early bird photography and fine art


who still remember. It means so much to me and other bereaved parents to know that, especially as more and more time passes since the deaths of our children. Last night Bob and I were watching the Chicago evening news when we happened to see an amusing story about a couple that got a flat […]

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If you are visiting my blog for the first time, thank you for stopping by! If you have been here before, thank you for returning! I have been blogging here at Four of a Kind (formerly Three of a Kind Working on a Full House…) for 4 1/2 years now. My family and I dealt […]


THEN — My dad, my sister, me and my mom in front of Spaceship Earth at Epcot (July 1985): NOW — Me, Abby, Bob and Sean in front of Spaceship Earth at Epcot (November 2011): 26 years after I first visited Disney World with my parents and sister I got to return there to experience […]


Let’s do the Time Warp again! Welcome to the eighth installment of my blog hop/writing exercise called Time Warp Tuesday here on Four of a Kind! Today is also the fifteenth day of NaBloPoMo, so if you found your way here from the Blogroll (I’m #313 on the list of 2,216) or the open thread, a warm welcome to […]