There’s nothing like it, at least for me. I try to get my fix a few times a year and if I could afford it would get season tickets to Steppenwolf and Broadway in Chicago. My family has had a tradition, for as long as I can remember, of going to see one show together each […]
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by Kathy on July 8, 2012 · 13 comments
in Abby, Bob, Coping, Exercise, Family, Friends, Happiness, Holidays, NaBloPoMo, Sean, Vacations
Awhile back I shared about some of the “places” I go when I need a vacation (sometimes physically and more often mentally). Over the past week I got to spend time with my family in a magical place in Michigan that holds many special childhood memories for my husband. We rode bikes, jet skis, speed boats, […]
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all four of us taking a joy ride around the lake together.
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by Kathy on July 1, 2012 · 14 comments
in Background, Before I Blogged, Camp Echo, Coping, Family, Friends, Happiness, Life, Memories, NaBloPoMo, Planning, Relationships, Song Lyrics, Summer Camp, Writing
It’s the first day of NaBloPoMo for July and the theme is Kids. One of the main reasons I signed up to participate this time around is that I really like the prompts that Melissa Ford came up with and am excited to write about many of them. Since we don’t get prompts for the weekend days (and I likely […]
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by Kathy on June 27, 2012 · 4 comments
in Abby, ALI Community, Blessed, BlogHer, Bob, Coping, Diversions, Family, Friends, Gatekeeping, Gratitude, Infertility, Loss, Pain, Planning, Sean, Suicide Prevention
How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the sixth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 2011 I lost two loved ones to suicide. I realize that there is likely nothing I could have […]
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It’s the fourth Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from June with Lori from Write Mind Open Heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s been over a week now since Sean has been out of school for the summer and Abby and I are loving having him home/around most of the day, everyday […]
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