
In recent weeks my thoughts and daydreams have been filled with fictional characters, including Katniss Everdeen, Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark. I was reading The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and often felt like I was part of their world, living in Panem, and fighting against the leaders of the Capitol for freedom and […]


Ripping Off Bandaids

by Kathy on January 8, 2014 · 9 comments

in Anticipation, Coping, Family, Life, Reality

The longer we wait, it is often harder to psyche ourselves up to do. It’s been almost a month since I wrote a real blog post, other than sharing a photo or video with holiday greetings. That’s longest I have gone in over three years. My break from writing wasn’t intentional, at least not initially. […]


Happy 2014!

by Kathy on January 1, 2014 · 3 comments

in Family, Happiness, Holidays

Happy New Year from our Axe/Benson family to yours!


Merry Christmas!

by Kathy on December 25, 2013 · 4 comments

in Faith, Family, Holidays

With love from, Kathy, Bob, Sean & Abby with Molly in our hearts


Holding Her

by Kathy on December 10, 2013 · 12 comments

in Coping, Family, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Siblings, Signs

It’s been over 5 1/2 year since I last held Molly in my arms. Today I got to hold a special bear that weighs the same as Molly did, 4 lbs. 10 oz. It was awesome and surreal to hold our “Molly Bear” for the first time. She arrived late this afternoon, after a day that […]


For Maria

by Kathy on October 24, 2013 · 2 comments

in Bereavement, Cancer, Coping, Faith, Family, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Poetry, Sadness, Yoga

I decided to exercise on my own at home today, while the kids were at school. I used a Yoga Studio app, which I downloaded months ago, for the first time, doing the 60 minute Intermediate Combination routine. It was a peaceful practice for me and I felt good afterwards. As I sat on my mat, after […]