
Saturday, 2-10-96 5:50 PM London 11:50 AM E-Town God gave us the ability to feel… Oh, the varieties of feelings & emotions I have had the past few days! Thursday I went to St. Paul’s Cathedral w/ my architecture class! (Where Prince Charles & Princess Di were married…) We have been studying Christopher Wren & […]


Wednesday, 2-7-96 10:20 PM London 4:20 PM E-Town Well, I am in the ULU pool locker room! I just tried “canoe polo” for the first time! It is lots of fun & harder than it looks! ☺︎ I learned how to paddle to move the boat sideways, to keep from tipping over, to turn rt., […]


Monday, 2-5-96 12:03 AM London 6:03 PM E-Town (2-4-96) Well, the best of time do usually tend to be those you didn’t plan &/or weren’t expecting… Lori & I decided to go on our first (of many, yet to come, we now believe…) “London Walk!” We took the Central Line tube to St. Paul’s & […]


Monday, 1-29-96 10:49 PM London 4:49 PM E-Town Big news of the day: Debbie & Alex are coming to visit from Feb. 8th – 11th! Yippee! Who says God doesn’t answer prayers??? I was walking home from the tube this afternoon w/ out a trace of spring in my step…  I felt worn-out & homesick […]


Saturday, 1-27-96 9:50 AM London 3:50 AM E-Town Well, it’s been a few days since I have written in here… I believe Thurs. & Fri. have gone unaccounted for, and since I must keep up w/ my records, for myself, of this adventure… I will recap! Thurs. morning was a field trip to the “Banqueting […]


Seriously, Grey’s Anatomy, for all its quirks and far-fetched storylines, still has my number. No TV show has inspired more blog posts for me. Thanks, Grey’s writing team! Bob checked out of watching it with me awhile ago, so the episodes accumulate on our DVR and I catch up when I can. Usually that happens […]